Posts in Artist Statement
Solitary by Maria Christou: 1-29 May 2015


‘I need solitude, which is to say, recovery, return to myself, the breath of a free, light, playful air.’ Nietzsche

'Solitary' is an exploration in seclusion, stillness and self-reflection.  

An investigation into the times when we are in search for true insight and connection to our authentic self.

A time where you can either feel utter loneliness and segregation. Or a time to think and assess, in order to reach a state of self realisation and discovery of the possibilities of self.

We reside in an age of persistent distraction, often surrounded by an insistent noise. This work investigates the private, momentary search for silence, true insight and connection to our authentic self, a time to be alone.

The images create a sense of deserted space: a single silhouetted figure, on a solitary journey. Night photography is engaged as a form of immateriality to induce a perception of solitude and a feeling of stepping into the unknown.